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MC707655 Teams admin center (TAC) Header Search now supports Emergency Addresses

  • 2024年1月18日

Emergency Addresses = 基本的には警察や救急のことが多いですが、この場合は「組織内の緊急連絡先」のことで、例えば端末を落とした時に連絡するべきヘルプデスク等のことです。


The Header Search feature now supports a wide range of entities, including Teams, Users, Policies, Settings, Documentation, Emergency Addresses and more. 




We’re excited to announce ~

と冒頭にありますが、これは「~をあなたにアナウンス出来て嬉しい」という、なにかを追加したりするポジティブな方向のアップデートの時の枕詞です。似た用法として、 We’re excited to meet you で「お会いできることを楽しみにしております」等、excitedを覚えておくと色々と挨拶がしやすいです。


We’re excited to announce that the Header Search feature in Teams admin center will now be supporting Emergency Addresses.

The Header Search feature now supports a wide range of entities, including Teams, Users, Policies, Settings, Documentation, Emergency Addresses and more. This means you’ll be able to quickly search for relevant information across these entities within the Teams admin center.

When this will happen

We will begin rolling this out in mid-January 2024 and expect to complete by late January 2024.

How this affects your organization:

Once available the Header Search feature will support a wide range of entities, including Teams, Users, Policies, Settings, Documentation, Emergency Addresses and more.

What you need to do to prepare

You might want to notify your Teams administrators about this new capability and update your training and documentation as appropriate.