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MC791453 Sway: Changes in Video/Audio upload for new content. 要約

  • 2024年5月14日



  1. コンテンツの埋め込みコードをコピーします。 [共有] オプションまたはそれに相当するものを選ぶと見つけることができます。 <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″… </iframe> のように表示されるものが埋め込みコードです。
  2. 既存のカードの下部にある + アイコンをクリックします。
  3. [メディア] をクリックし、[埋め込み] を選択します。
  4. 埋め込みコードをストーリーラインに表示される新しい [埋め込みカード] に貼り付けます。



(If an author duplicates a Sway, then previously uploaded video and audio files will not be copied to the new Sway. )



Please spread awareness of the embedding feature among the Sway authors in your organization.

とありますが、spread awareness で「認識を広める」という意味です。日本語と使い所もほぼ同じで、健康、政治、環境等の問題に対して、「意識の向上」的なニュアンスで使われることが多いです。

乳がんのピンクリボン等といった啓蒙活動もAwareness Dayと呼ばれることが多いです。


Sway authors will not be able to upload new video and audio files into Sway. Authors are requested to embed video and audio files using the existing feature for embedding content in a Sway.

Previously uploaded Video and audio files that have been linked inside a Sway will continue to operate.

When this will happen:

We will begin rolling out this change in early June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-June 2024.

How this will affect your organization:

You are receiving this message because Sway authors in your organization may have uploaded video and audio files in the past OR may be interested in uploading new video or audio files into Sway.

  • Starting in early June, Sway authors will not be able to upload video and audio files into Sway.
  • Previously uploaded video and audio files will continue to operate in the Sways where they are present.
  • If you have new content that you want to use in a Sway, then please embed the content using the embedding feature. Instructions are available at Embed content in your Sway – Microsoft Support
  • If you duplicate a Sway, then previously uploaded video and audio files will not be copied to the new Sway. You will have to embed the content using the embedding feature. Instructions are available at Embed content in your Sway – Microsoft Support

What you need to do to prepare:

Please spread awareness of the embedding feature among the Sway authors in your organization.