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MC720763 European Digital Markets Act (DMA) Impact on LinkedIn in Microsoft 365 profile card experiences

  • 2024年3月5日

Digital Markets Actというものへの遵守のための変更で、スイスおよびEA経済圏のユーザーのLinkedinプロフィールをM365上に表示するかどうかを選べるようになるというものです。LinkedinはMSに買収されたビジネス特化SNSで、転職をしたり考えたことがある人なら一度は見たことがある気がします。



デジタル市場法Digital Markets Act, DMA)は、欧州委員会の立法提案[1]であり、大企業の市場支配力の乱用を防ぎ、新規参入を可能にすることで、欧州のデジタル市場における競争の高度化を図ることを目的としている。




  • 仲介における透明性
  • 抱き合わせや自己優先による囲い込み、プラットフォームとデータへのアクセス
  • エンドユーザーとビジネスユーザーの移動性
  • 不公正な慣行の制限






As part of our joint efforts to comply with the Digital Markets Act, we are working with our LinkedIn partners to provide additional controls for LinkedIn profile data appearing in Microsoft 365 profile card experiences.

Beginning in March 2024, LinkedIn members based in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland will have the ability to choose whether to allow their LinkedIn profile to appear in Microsoft 365 profile card experiences.

Access to LinkedIn member profiles based outside this area is unchanged, even if you, as the viewer, are based in one of the included countries. For example, you will still be able to access a profile based in USA even if your profile is based in Switzerland.

When this will happen:

The DMA changes will be applied by from the beginning of March 2024, and the new visibility setting will be off by default for members in the affected countries.

How this will affect your organization:

The ability to view LinkedIn information within the Microsoft profile card in Microsoft 365 experiences will be limited if the LinkedIn member is based in the EEA or Switzerland, until they take the action to change the new privacy setting on to allow this access.

What you need to do to prepare:

If you or your business relies on sharing or viewing this information, then we recommend that you let your teams know about the LinkedIn visibility setting here:

Note: The setting will also not be available until the day the filter is applied in March 2024 and will only be available to LinkedIn members based in the EEU or Switzerland.

For further details, please see: