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MC696575 Action Required – Changes to Get & Transform Data (aka Power Query) features in Excel要約

  • 2023年12月12日


原文のa.k.aはalso known asの略で、日本だとラッパーがよく使います。


1.PowerQueryの進歩に伴って、いくつかの機能がMicrosoft Edge WebView2を利用するようになるため、インストールされていないとエラーを返すようになる。最終的には、全ての機能において必須になる予定なので、今のうちにMicrosoft Edge WebView2を入れておくことを推奨。
(In the future, all the Get & Transform Data features in Excel for Windows will require Microsoft Edge WebView2 hence we recommend installing this library now.)


2.最強の暗号化を提供するため、PowerQueryにおいてTLS(Transport Layer Security)1.1以下をサポート対象外とする予定。外部データソースに接続する際、それがTLS1.1以下にしか対応していない場合、Power Queryでのデータ取得が不可能となる。





We will be making changes to Get & Transform Data (aka Power Query) features in Excel.

Note: If you don’t use Power Query, you may dismiss this message.

When this will happen:

Starting March 11th, 2024, we will be introducing important changes to the Get & Transform Data (aka Power Query) features in Excel.

How does this affect your organization:

Any user who tries to use Power Query after March 11th, 2024, and falls under one of the scenarios, below, will receive a relevant error message.

  1.  As we are modernizing the Get & Transform Data (aka Power Query) experience in Excel for Windows, some of the Get & Transform Data capabilities will require Microsoft Edge WebView2 (Microsoft Edge WebView2 | Microsoft Edge Developer) to be installed on the client machine. In the future, all the Get & Transform Data features in Excel for Windows will require Microsoft Edge WebView2 hence we recommend installing this library now.
  2.  In addition, and to provide the best-in-class encryption to our customers, we are planning to deprecate the support of TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.1 or lower in Get & Transform Data (aka Power Query) on all platforms. If a certain external data source a user tries to connect to only supports TLS version 1.1 or lower, they will not be able to access the relevant data source via Get & Transform Data tools in Excel.

What you need to do to prepare:

You will need to:

  1.  Install Microsoft Edge WebView2 framework – for upcoming Get Data features.
  2.  Ensure all of the external data sources you use with Power Query support TLS version 1.2 or higher – for Power Query, in general.

Please Inform your helpdesk and update documentation as appropriate.

For additional information, please refer to: