As SharePoint has evolved into a cloud-first service, so too have the options for customers that wish to integrate with external data sources.
ここのAsは ~に従って、~につれてという意味のパターンです。
AがB(になる), so too C という場合、「AがBになったしCもBになった」となります。
SharePointが進化したし、option for customersも進化した
となります。というわけで、外部データソースとかの話かと思われますが、内容としては、統合をすすめるためにBusiness Connectivity Services(BCS)を消してMicrosoft Power Appsを推していくというものです。
2023/10/2 BCSリタイア発表。(今後の影響を最小限にするために)BCS機能を無効化することも可能になる。
2023/10/30 上記の設定に応じて、BCSの機能のブロックを始める。
2024/1/8 M365の新規テナント及び2023/10/30以降に同機能を仕様していないテナントにおいて、デフォルトでBCSを無効化する設定にする。
2024/9/30 完全廃止。
外部コンテンツ タイプ
とりあえず使用していて今後も同じことをしたい場合、Power Appsに移行する必要があります。詳細は詳しくないので不明ですが、とりあえずBCSからPowerAppsへのデータ直接移行は無い(Although there’s no direct migration from Business Connectivity Services to Power Apps, it supports a modern, cloud-first external data connectivity experience. )と明記されているので諸々要検証ですね。
SharePoint has a long history of helping users work with external data inside the SharePoint user experience. As SharePoint has evolved into a cloud-first service, so too have the options for customers that wish to integrate with external data sources. To simplify these options and provide the best experience for these scenarios going forward, Microsoft is announcing its plan to retire Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in Microsoft 365 and focus on Microsoft Power Apps as its replacement technology.
Key points:
- Major: Retirement
- Timeline:
- October 2, 2023: Retirement announcement and customers can proactively set a property to block Business Connectivity services features within their tenant.
- October 30, 2023: Microsoft will begin blocking Business Connectivity Services features based on the tenant property set by the customer.
- January 8, 2024: Microsoft will block Business Connectivity Services features in new Microsoft 365 tenants by default, as well as in tenants who haven’t used the feature since October 30, 2023.
- September 30, 2024: Business Connectivity Services is fully retired in Microsoft 365.
- Action: Review and assess impact.
How this will affect your organization:
If your organization uses Business Connectivity Services, it will no longer function after September 30, 2024. This includes features such as:
- External lists
- External columns
- External content types
- Business Connectivity Services hybrid solutions
What you need to do to prepare:
Microsoft encourages customers to explore using Power Apps to replace their Business Connectivity Services solutions. Although there’s no direct migration from Business Connectivity Services to Power Apps, it supports a modern, cloud-first external data connectivity experience. Power Apps can integrate with a variety of Microsoft 365 services and external data sources through its extensible connector technology, including SharePoint, Dynamics 365, SQL Server, and others. It also supports integrating with on-premises data sources through the on-premises data gateway.